PAC News 1, 2nd January 2018
Poole AC 2018 News No.01 (2 January 2018)
Joyous and successful New Year to all!
This is to wish all members a joyful and challenging but successful 2018. All athletes, parents and coaches know that our reputation as a club is built on being friendly, welcoming and effective – but also successful in competing as a group and in developing as individuals. The Committee hopes to recognise this in encouraging all active members to attend not only training but make themselves as available for competition as possible as their other (personal and family) commitments allow. One idea is to have a differential in charges for training, i.e. cheaper for those competing regularly!
The club also depends on its income to provide e.g. equipment and transport to a wide range of events. The club year begins on April 1st and we ask as many as possible to ensure that their full membership fee (including their EA competition registration renewal where relevant) is paid by then for next season.
Lucky with the weather on Boxing Day!
A new format for the Fun Run resulted in 12 unplanned pairs of young athletes from 11 organisations/clubs contesting the race.