PAC News 15, 19th April 2017

PAC News 2017 No.15. 18/04/17

Team Dorset WIN Southern AL Match 1 15/4!

This was an excellent way to start the TD season. PAC contributed 12 athletes and it was noticeable that a number of u17s supported the team at Andover. Results in orange are club records for u17M, SW, and M50. Our results:-


Event Name Pos/ Perf Event Name Pos/ Perf
100 Tom Casson 2/4 A 11.0 200 Katie Corbin 3/3 B 29.0
200 Tom C 2/4 A 22.6 400 Katie C 1/3 B 68.6
400 Lloyd Arnold 4/4 B 57.8 100H Olivia Hunter 1/3 A 14.9
HJ Ryan Long 1/3 A 1.75m Maddy Vaughan-J 1/1 B 19.2
Josh Exley 1/2 B 1.70m SP Ruth Elkins 1/3 B 8.88m
PV Ryan L 1/2 A 3.70m DT Ruth E 2/3 B 19.71m
LJ Ryan L 1/4 A 6.59m HT Ruth E 1/4 A 38.99m
TJ Josh E 2/3 A 11.12m Lizzie Gourlay 2/3 B 14.98m
Lloyd A 2/3 B 10.06m JT Ruth E 2/4 A 19.35m
SP Martin Elkins 4/4 A 8.54m 100 Lizzie G N/S 13.7
Richard Wheeler 4/4 B 7.99m 200 Maddy V-J N/S 28.4
DT Martin E 2/4 A 31.86m Lizzie G N/S 29.3
HT Martin E 3/4 A 36.03m TJ Katie C N/S 8.69m
Richard W 4/4 B 24.35m
JT Richard W 4/4 A 28.20m
Martin E 4/4 B 20.31m Match Result:-
100 Richard W N/S 13.0 1. Team Dorset 193
Marcus Pidgley N/S 13.9 2. Andover 182
200 Richard W N/S 26.4 3. Chichester 153
Marcus P T37 N/S 30.0 4. Swindon 132
LJ Josh E N/S 5.50m

Spring Club Championships

21 boys and 18 girls contested the events in our three-hour programme on Sat. April 15th. They were well-supported by their helpful parents. Thanks to them and all the officials.

Cool, bright day. Many PBs, especially from the u10s and u11s. Of them, Jaya C (188), Lexie T (168), Harley T (269), Leo R (234), Harry F (217), Thomas F (216), Edwin L (215), and Jayden C (199) totalled these points in the four events used in Quadkids. This all-round quality bodes well for the future.