PAC News 18, 9th May 2017

PAC News 2017 No.18 09/05/17

Melissa hits Qualifying target for CG 2018

In the Payton Jordan International staged in Palo Alto, California, on May 5th, Millie Courtney ran 15-28.95 for the W5000 and that beat the qualifying target for selection for the Commonwealth Games in Gold Coast, Australia, due in April 4-15 next year. She won her race (against 12 others), set a PB, and beat the Club SW 5000 record. That’s a reward for all the work she and her coaches have done!

UKYDL UAG Match 1 at Hillingdon on 30/04

We hope these are now the final results from that match. Ten PAC athletes competed for Team Dorset, making a big contribution to a small team, in this new Premier 2A division first match. (PBs)



Name Pos/ Perf Age/


Name Pos/ Perf
U20M U20W
100 Sam Wheeler B 1/5 11.4 100 Olivia Hunter A 1/5 12.8
200 Sam W A 3/6 22.5 200 Olivia H A 2/5 27.4
Javelin Sam W A 4/5 35.70m 100H Olivia H A 2/3 14.9
U17M Olivia/Elloise +2 3/6 54.1
100 Lewis Naptin A 2/6 11.8 U17W
200 Lewis N A 4/5 24.5 Katie/Emily +2 4/5 3-06.4
100H Adam Booth A 4/5 15.5 LJ Katie Corbin B 2/3 4.41m
LJ Lewis N A 2/6 5.61m TJ Katie C A 4/4 8.62m
Adam B B 1/3 5.18m Shot Caitlin Batcheldor A 2/5 9.77m
TJ Adam B B 4/5 10.59m Elloise Hartnell B 2/3 8.70m
Shot Cameron Cooke A 2/6 11.66m Discus Caitlin B A 2/5 31.99m
Discus Cameron C A 2/5 37.87m Emily Jeffries B 3/3 15.67m
Hammer Cameron C A 1/2 41.98m Hammer Caitlin B N/T
Abbie White A 1/4 42.13m

The following was the ranking in the overall Team result:-

South Bucks. 508; 2. Camberley 506; 3. Harrow 490; 4. Hillingdon 422; 5. Kingston/Poly 376; 6. Team Dorset 322.