PAC News 32, 29th August 2017

PAC News 2017 No. 32 29/8/17

Two South-West Champions at Exeter!

In the South-West Inter-Counties Championships at Exeter on August 20th, PAC fielded 11 athletes who returned with 10 medals. Two of those were champions, Caitlin B in the u17W Hammer and Emma C in the SW Javelin. The only PB was achieved by the ever-improving William R gaining second in the u13B 800m. This was an excellent effort by those who entered but, judging by the results, there were other members who could have participated, done well, and represented Dorset. Never under-estimate yourselves!



Name Pos/ Perf Age/


Name Pos/ Perf
U13B U15G
800 William Rabjohns 2/7 2-16.43 800 Demi-Marie G 6/11 2-26.58
Jav Harry Midgley 2/7 30.93m Jav Imogen Davis 6/8 27.00m
U15B U17W
800 Josh Smith 7/8 2-11.58 Discus Caitlin B 3/5 28.75m
U17M Hamm Caitlin B 1/4 47.40m
100 Tom Casson 3/8 11.40 SW
Lewis Naptin 5 11.83 Jav Emma Carpenter 1/2 33.13m
200 Tom C 3/5 23.58 U17M
100H Adam Booth 4/4 15.27 Shot Cameron Cooke 3/4 11.89m
LJ Lewis N 3/4 5.63m Discus Cameron C 2/4 34.26m

TD Second in Match 5 – amazing THIRD overall

By placing second in Match 5 at Guildford (Aug.19), Team Dorset finished ranked THIRD in Southern League 3SW. Brilliant season!

Thanks especially to all u17s: you really made a difference.

Event Name Pos/ Perf Event Name Pos/ Perf
100 Tom Casson u17 A 2/4 11.4 HJ Emma Carpenter A 2/2 1.35m
Lewis Naptin u17 B 1/2 11.5 Shot Ruth Elkins A 1/3 8.80m
Richard Wheeler n/s 13.0 Disc Ruth E A 2/2 24.69m
200 Tom C A 2/2 23.3 Emma C B 2/2 15.25m
Lewis N B 2/2 24.1 Jav Emma C A 1/3 31.72m
Guy Perkins n/s 25.0 Ruth E B 1/1 20.79m
Richard W n/s 26.7 Ham Ruth E B 1/1 35.72m
400 Guy P A 4/4 54.2 SM
800 Guy P A 3/3 2-23.5 Shot Andrew Elkins A 1/3 10.26m
Team 2/2 49.4 Disc Andrew E A 2/3 32.42m
Team 2/2 4-10.1 Jav Andrew E A 1/3 47.51m
HJ Josh Exley-M u17 A 3/3 1.65m Richard W n/s 29.89m
Mark Roach B 3/3 1.50m Ham Andrew E A 1/3 51.84m
LJ Lewis N A 2/4 5.47m Mark R n/s 22.83m