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PAC News 34, 12th Sept 2017

By 12/09/2017August 12th, 2024Junior

PAC News 2017 No.34 12/09/17

Millie stars in Great City Games in Newcastle!

Melissa Courtney broke the Welsh National 3000m record at Watford on Sept. 6th (8-43.72) then, having been invited to run in the Womens’ Mile (on Sept. 9 on BBCTV), she front-ran the road race to win in 4-33.83 (PB). This should help towards selection for the Welsh team to the next Commonwealth Games.

SWAL 4 RESULTS from Exeter Sept. 3rd.



Name Pos/ Perf Age/


Name Pos/ Perf
U13B U13G
200 William Rabjohns 12/24 30.56 100 Safia Stacey 5/36 14.18
800 William R 1/24 2-19.61 Leah Watts 17 14.99
LJ William R 14/25 3.44m Molly Pearce n/s 16.02
U15B 200 Leah W 9/32 31.44
100 Harrison Leaper 12/22 13.54 Charlotte Smith 19 32.96
Edward Pearce 15 13.66 800 Eleanor Mowbray 14/29 3-02.77
200 George Crouch 2/16 24.88 Charlotte S 15 3-03.43
Edward P 11 28.3 4×100 Team 1/6 59.99
Harrison L n/s 29.0 HJ Safia S 2/20 1.35m
800 Josh Smith 3/12 2-13.01 Charlotte S 11 1.10m
3000 Alastair Ferguson 9/12 11-20.4 LJ Eleanor M 6/31 3.88m
4×100 Team 2/6 51.92 Leah W 14 3.56m
HJ Josh S 14/14 1.25m Molly P n/s 3.15m
TJ Harrison L 12/13 8.29m Shot Eleanor M 5/23 7.14m
Shot George C 8/15 7.79m Safia S 7 6.21m
Alastair F 13 6.23m Molly P n/s 5.75m
Jav Edward P 9/10 14.12m U15G
U17M 100 Fleur Mansell 13/25 14.50
100 Tom Casson 1/16 11.79 Sarah-Louise H 16 14.75
Lewis Naptin 7 12.49 Emily Cole n/s 17.51
Jake Newnham n/s 12.85 200 Demi-Marie G 14/24 30.62
200 Tom C 1/16 24.40 Ashia Wilson 15 30.68
Adam Booth 3 24.78 Poppy Laidlaw n/s 31.50
Lewis N n/s 25.05 800 Ashia W 3/14 2-26.23
800 Ben Lewis 3/9 2-12.15 Demi-Marie G 6 2-31.38
Elliott Wilkes 5 2-23.48 Emily C n/s 3-32.77
3000 Ben L 1/9 9-20.72 3000 Fern Kimber 2/13 11-00.73
400H Adam B 1/5 61.13 Izzy Rabjohns 10 12-06.10
Lloyd Arnold 3 63.18 4×100 Team 6/8 58.52
4×100 Team 1/ 47.80 LJ Poppy L 7/21 4.15m
HJ Jake N 3/8 1.60m Fleur M 8 4.02m
LJ Lewis N 5/12 5.29m Shot Imogen Davis 7/21 7.62m
Jake N 6 5.22m Demi-Marie G 13 6.17m
Discus :Lloyd A 5/12 22.48m Izzy R n/s 5.28m
Adam B 6 21.58m Discus Imogen D 4/19 17.37m
Hamm Tom C 1==/8 Rained Ashia W 13 11.99m
U20M U17W
100 Sam Wheeler 2/7 11.36 100 Katie Corbin 5/13 14.25
200 Sam W 2/8 23.97 17 Niamh Kirwin n/s 15.50
HJ 17 Josh Exley-Moore 2/7 1.70m 200 Katie C 6/13 29.87
TJ 17 Josh E-M 2/7 11.00m Holly Earley n/s 31.56


A fairly full team (but only ONE u13B) tried hard in terrible weather conditions in Exeter on Sept. 3rd. We managed to finish third on the day and remain ranked 4th overall. Only two Hammer competitions were cancelled but most athletes and officials were exposed to non-stop rain and wind for six hours! In the circumstances it was amazing how many PBs were achieved. With 22 points for winners, please consider all positions on that basis.



Name Pos/ Per Age/


Name Pos/ Perf
U20M U17W
Discus Sam Wheeler 2/5 21.43m LJ Katie Corbin 6/10 4.25m
Hamm Sam W 1=/5 Rained Holly Earley n/s 3.85m
SM Discus Caitlin Batcheldor 3/8 29.74m
100 George Walker 8/15 12.27 Hamm Caitlin B 1/7 46.25m
Richard Wheeler 12 13.12 SW
200 Jamie Grose 13/15 26.70 100 Alex Bryant 5/14 13.25
Richard W 14 27.82 Lizzy Gourlay 11 14.23
800 Jamie G 4/13 2-06.29 200 Alex B 3/15 27.47
5000 Jamie G 3/21 15-57.82 Lizzy G 11 30.20
Elliott Wilkes 4 16-04.78 800 17 Emily Jeffries 4/11 2-33.05
400H Richard W 7/10 81.18 400H17 Emily J 5/9 76.0
4×100 Team 5/7 50.96 4×100 Team 5/7 56.39
HJ Adam Carpenter 2/9 1.65m LJ Lizzy G 9/10 3.78m
Mark Roach 7 1.40m Discus Emma Carpenter 4/13 18.02m
Shot Adam C 2/10 10.83m 17 Emily J 13 12.21m
George W 3 10.67m Hamm Emma C 8/12 18.17m
Jav George W 4/13 36.96m Lizzy G 11 13.89m
Richard W 5 31.29m

Match Result. Final Ranking. (TBC)

  1. Wimborne 1969 pts. 1. Wimborne 41 League points.
  2. Taunton 1822.5 2. Taunton 41
  3. Poole 1542.5 3. Newquay 31
  4. Exeter 1535 4. Poole 30
  5. Yeovil 1532.5 5. Yeovil 28

10. Dorchester 390 6. Exeter 25

(11 Clubs)

We particularly thank all athletes, parents, coaches, officials and support staff on the day, especially those athletes who tried new events to gain valuable points for the Club.

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