PAC News 45, 28th November 2017

PAC News 2017 No.45 28/11/17

Another win for Will in Cross Challenge!

In the third round of the British Cross Challenge, staged at Sefton Park, Liverpool, on Nov. 25th, William Rabjohns remained unbeaten by winning again in 10-29 against 123 other runners.   An outstanding achievement!

At the same meeting, Ben Lewis finished 10th (of 112) in the u17M race in 18-36.    Ashia Wilson placed 20th (of 129) in her u15G race in 11-47.  In the same race, Issy Rabjohns placed 81st in 13-35.

Some excellence at Sportshall Match 2

The second of the series at Canford on Nov. 25th showed classy performances from many PAC athletes but suffered from a lack of numbers at most levels.   With two counting athletes from each team, the best ‘A’ athlete gained 24 points and the best ‘B’ 12.  You will see the number of A1 and B1 efforts by our athletes, but not fielding teams in five relays (with 36 pts. for the winners) had a serious effect on our team rankings.   Thus our combined u15 B/G team won easily by being represented in all their events.   The best of the other teams was the u11B, ranking as runners-up.



Name Perf Rank Age/


Name Perf Rank
U11B       U11G      
1 lap Harry Farley 12.5 A3 1 lap Megan Mowbray 12.7 A1
Harry Crouch 13.0 B2 Liz Richley 12.7 B1
Ethan Crowley 14.0 n/s 2 lap Jaya Collinson 25.1 A2
Monty Spence 14.3 n/s Liz R 25.5 B1
2 lap Harry F 24.3 A3 Sp B Megan M 49 A4
Harry C 26.3 B5 SLJ Jaya C 2.06m A1
Sp B Ethan C 50 A2 STJ Megan M 5.66m A1
Harry C 41 B2 Faye Ball 5.25m B1
SLJ Teegan B-Williams 1.84m A2 Ver J Olivia Bowen 48 cm A1
STJ Harry F 4.94m A3 Jaya C 41 cm B1
Harry C 4.00m B4 Ch P Olivia B 6.26m A2
Ch P Ethan C 4.52m A4 Liz R 5.99m B1
Thomas Farley 4.30m B3 Tar T Liz R 3 A5
Harry C 5.63m n/s Ob R Team 82.6 1st
Monty S 3.86m n/s 4×1 R Team 1st
Tar T Thomas F 12 A3 2+2 R Team 52.1 1st
Monty S 5 B4 U11B
Ver J Teegan B-W 39 cm A3 4×1 R Team 52.5 3rd
Ob R Team 87.0 1st 2+2 R Team 49.9 3rd


Name Perf Rank Age/


Name Perf Rank
U13B       U13G      
2 lap Callum McGinley 23.6 A1 2 lap Molly Pearce 24.0 A3
Harry Midgley 27.3 n/s Leah Watts 24.9 B1
4 lap None Safia Stacey 26.1 n/s
6 lap None 4 lap Safia S 51 A1
Sp B Callum McG 75 A1 Leah W 53.3 B1
SLJ None Eleanor Mowbray 54.6 n/s
STJ Harry M 5.48m A3 6 lap Eleanor M 91.6 A4
Ver J Callum McG 47 cm A2 Sp B Safia S 72 A3
Ashley Gannon 43 cm B1 Leah W 68 B2
SP Harry M 8.00m A2 SLJ Eleanor M 1.82m A2
Ashley G 7.97m B1 Leah W 1.72m B1
Ob R Team 80.6 2nd STJ Safia S 6.37m A1
Paar No Team Ver J Molly P 41 cm A3
4×2 R No Team SP Eleanor M 7.13m A1
U15B/G Molly P 5.94m B2
2 laps Edward Pearce 21.4 A1 Ob R No Team
Niamh Kirwin 24.5 B1 Paar No Team
Emily Cole 29.1 n/s 4×2 R Team 98.0 2nd.
6 laps Sam Bowen 74.5 A1 U15B/G
Sp B Edward P 75 A1 SLJ Edward P 2.36m A1
Nathan Freeman 71 B1 STJ Sam B 6.46m A1
Emily C 46 n/s Niamh K 6.44m B1
Ver J Nathan F 43 cm A3 SP Niamh K 8.46m A2
Emily C 30 cm B2 Sam B 7.38m B1


Team rankings:-

U11B.   Team 2nd.  357 points.   (Winners BAC 410.5)

U11G.   Team Result TBC.          (Winners BAC 393)

U13B.   Team 3rd.   173              (Winners WAC 373.5)

U13G.   Team 4th.   272.5           (Winners WAC 364)

U15B/G   Team 1st.  248 pts.