PAC News 8, 25th February 2019

William medals again in English XC in Leeds!

Staged on the Harewood House Estate, Leeds, on Saturday, Feb 23rd, the Saucony English Cross-Country Championships attracted huge fields again. William Rabjohns was the U13B defending champion, but this time finished just three seconds behind the winner, in second with 408 boys finished! Lexie Brown finished in the top 100 of the U13G and gained valuable experience. A total of 4429 finished the six races in which PAC athletes were involved. The weather was relatively mild and the topography of the course made for quite fast times.

U13B/3KWilliam Rabjohns2/4800:09:54
U20M/10KBen Lewis61/2010:31:23
SM/12KPeter Cornes2002/20061:29:08
U13G/3kLexie Brown90/4180:12:09
U15G/4kIsobel Rabjohns140/3620:17:34
U15G/4kCamilla Brown236/3620:18:42
SW/8kLaura Horswill985/10340:54:39


Seven succeed in the EA Athletics 365 tests

As we have done in previous years, to finish our Sportshall sessions for the winter, we offered the “Athletics 365” Red Level tests on Saturday, Feb 23rd in the Ashdown Leisure Centre Sports Hall.

These 22 tests provide a base-line of all basic skills on which young athletes can build their equivalent, outdoor skills in summer. Thus 5 boys and 2 girls completed all their tests satisfactorily. As a result they will receive a customised EA certificate and red wrist-band.

REMINDER! Millie in Euro 3,000m on Friday

Melissa Courtney will contest the Euro Indoor W3000m in Glasgow’s Emirates Arena next Friday, March 1st, due off at 9.40 pm. She qualified for the GB team by being runner-up in the British Indoor Championships in Birmingham on Feb 9th, watched by PAC fans!

Adam competed in the English U20 Indoors

In the EA Indoor U20M 60m Hurdles event, run in the EIS in Sheffield on Sunday, Feb 24th, Adam Booth suffered an accidental contact during his heat and finished in 8.68, a frustrating result! He will run again!