PAC News 29, 25 July 2017

PAC NEWS 2017 No.29 25/07/17

PAC second in home final Wessex match!

We staged the fourth and final Wessex YAL match at Ashdown on July 16. A huge turn-out of athletes gave us our best result of the season with multiple PBs. If we had managed to do the same in all matches we could have been in the top five of the 24 clubs. As it is we finished 18=. Our QK were 16/24.



Name Pos/ Perf Age/


Name Pos/ Perf
U13B U13G
100 Louis Bourke A 2/5 13.0 100 Safia Stacey A 2/5 14.2
George Farley B 4/4 15.1 Leah Watts B 1/6 14.4
William Rabjohns n/s 14.6 Charlotte Smith n/s 15.2
200 William R A 5/5 29.5 Ayesha Payne n/s 15.5
George F B 4/4 30.4 Mia Riley n/s 15.8
Louis B n/s 27.6 200 Leah W A 4/5 29.8
Benjamin Haagensen n/s 29.8 Safia S B 1/4 29.6
Callum McGinley n/s 35.5 Charlotte S n/s 31.8
800 George F 6/6 2-41.4 Mia R n/s 32.8
Anthony Booth 3/3 2-56.4 Ayesha P n/s 32.1
1500 William R A 1/3 4-34.1 Lola R n/s 32.8
Cameron Corbin B 1/3 5-08.2 800 Sophia Horwood A 3/6 2-52.4
75H Connor Corbin A 1/2 13.1 Charl/Mol/Saf/Leah 3/3 60.2
Benjamin H B 1/2 13.4 HJ Safia S A 2/3 1.30m
Will/Harry/Geo/Conn 4/4 60.7 Charlotte S B 3/3 1.10m
HJ Connor C A 2/5 1.35m LJ Leah W A 5/5 3.76m
LJ Connor C A 2/5 4.05m Molly Pearce B 3/3 3.37m
Cameron C B 4/4 3.53m Lola R n/s 2.89m
Louis B n/s 4.37m Shot Mia R A 2/4 5.61m
Shot Benjamin H A 2/4 7.42m Sophia H B 3/3 4.11m
Harry Midgley B 2/4 6.64m Jav Molly P A 3/4 17.51m
Anthony B n/s 5.79m Lola R B 1/3 15.15m
Discus Harry M A 2/4 17.19m U15G
Jav Harry M A 2/3 30.77m 100 Jas Lawrence A 4/5 14.0
Anthony B B 3/3 8.35m Sarah-Louise H B 3/4 14.5
U15B Niamh Kirwin n/s 14.9
100 George Crouch A 2/4 12.2 200 Jas L A 5/5 29.0
Jamie Paton B 3/4 13.0 Poppy Laidlaw B 4/5 29.5
200 Jamie P A 4/4 27.1 Heidi Taylor n/s 28.4
Joe Grinders B 4/4 28.6 Niamh K n/s 30.4
300 George C A 1/4 40.6 Sarah-L H n/s 30.9
Josh Smith B 1/3 44.2 Emily Cole n/s 35.0
Edward Pearce n/s 45.1 300 Issy Rabjohns A 5/5 51.0
800 Zac Cloete A 4/4 2-17.5 Imogen Davis B 3/5 49.4
Liam Nixon B 1/3 2-17.8 1500 Issy R A 4/5 5-27.3
Josh S n/s 2-20.4 75H Heidi T A 4/5 13.3
Joe G n/s 2-52.2 Emily C B 2/2 18.2
Geo/Ed/Jam/Josh 3/4 52.2 Nia/Em/Imo/Jas 4/4 63.3
LJ Edward P A 3/4 4.62m HJ Poppy L A 2/3 1.25m
Discus Oliver Cooper A 2/3 24.24m LJ Poppy L A 2/4 4.54m
Jav George C A 4/5 19.57m Jas L B 2/4 4.08m
Joe G B 4/4 16.67m Shot Issy R A 5/5 5.07m
Heidi T B 4/4 6.58m
U17M U15G
100 Lewis Naptin A 3/4 12.0 Discus Niamh K A 4/4 12.75m
200 Tom Casson A 2/4 22.6 Emily C B 3/3 9.81m
Lewis N B 2/4 23.9 Jav Imogen D A 1/5 31.08m
Adam Booth n/s 24.5
400 Lloyd Arnold A 2/3 54.6 U17W
Callum Jones B 1/1 58.2 100 Elloise Hartnell A 3/4 13.4
1500 Ben Butterworth A 3/3 5-06.5 200 Elloise H A 3/4 27.4
100H Adam Booth A 1/2 14.8 Katie Corbin B 3/3 29.0
Lloyd A B 1/1 16.3 300 Katie C A 3/3 45.6
Ad/Lloyd/Call/Lew 2/3 49.1 Emily Jeffries B 1/3 46.2
HJ Callum J A 1/3 1.70m 800 Emily J A 2/4 2-33.9
LJ Lewis N A 2/2 5.45m Team n/s 54.4
Callum J B 2/2 5.06m HJ Holly Earley A 3/3 1.30m
Shot Cameron Cooke A 1/3 11.86m LJ Katie C A 3/4 4.29m
Discus Cameron C A 1/5 35.75m Shot Elloise H A 3/3 7.97m
Adam B B 1/3 23.57m Jav Emily J A 3/3 8.82m
Jav Lloyd A A 3/4 20.15m

NOTE: William R again broke his u13B 1500 Club Record.


Main Match. Quad Kids.

Club Points Club Total 5 Boys 5 Girls
Basingstoke 583 Woking 1745 925 820
Poole 393 Poole 1681 948 733
Wimborne 392 Bournemouth 1574 901 673
Woking 348 Basingstoke 1537 773 764
Bournemouth 145 Wimborne 1489 741 748
Poole Runners 38 Poole Runners 761 668 93

We have enough u11s to produce a full team of Quadkids for every match. If we compete in the same League next year, we should be aiming, from Match 1, to finish in the top three for every match. After all, the competitions for u11s are less often than for the rest.