Results: 14-15th October 2017
Hampshire XC
The first Hampshire XC race at Kings Park, Bournemouth attracted a large quality field.
See all the results here
Studland Stampede
A large turnout by Poole AC runners for this popular 12k race which is part of the Purbeck Trail Series
Pos | Bib | Name | Time | Cat | Cat Pos | Gen | Gen Pos |
6 | 327 | Barry Miller | 00:47:59 | 30-39 | 3 | Male | 6 |
15 | 444 | Reuben Skinner | 00:52:11 | 40-49 | 4 | Male | 15 |
27 | 68 | Mo Bromidge | 00:54:32 | 30-39 | 9 | Male | 27 |
44 | 8 | Gareth Alan-Williams | 00:56:25 | 40-49 | 18 | Male | 42 |
46 | 287 | Paul Lane | 00:56:35 | 40-49 | 20 | Male | 44 |
49 | 463 | Kevin Stockwell | 00:56:54 | 50-59 | 8 | Male | 46 |
75 | 509 | Simon Ward | 00:59:58 | 40-49 | 34 | Male | 70 |
90 | 335 | Daniel Moors | 01:01:05 | 30-39 | 22 | Male | 83 |
113 | 115 | Doug Cramond | 01:02:45 | 60-69 | 6 | Male | 104 |
151 | 268 | Rona Jones | 01:05:53 | 40-49 | 3 | Female | 24 |
161 | 225 | Kirstin Hay | 01:06:40 | 30-39 | 9 | Female | 29 |
206 | 204 | Steven Gregory | 01:10:15 | 40-49 | 65 | Male | 156 |
213 | 358 | Jayne Offer | 01:10:55 | 50-59 | 22 | Female | 53 |
233 | 496 | Gary Tyler | 01:12:19 | 40-49 | 72 | Male | 171 |
236 | 484 | Ann Thornton | 01:12:25 | 40-49 | 18 | Female | 64 |
239 | 396 | David Ritchie | 01:12:37 | 50-59 | 40 | Male | 173 |
294 | 187 | Stephanie Gadbury | 01:16:39 | 40-49 | 37 | Female | 100 |
295 | 467 | James Storey | 01:16:43 | 60-69 | 16 | Male | 195 |
309 | 233 | Kim Higgins | 01:17:47 | 40-49 | 42 | Female | 108 |
315 | 470 | Cheryl Struck | 01:18:38 | 40-49 | 45 | Female | 114 |
367 | 404 | Michelle Roberts | 01:24:09 | 40-49 | 57 | Female | 151 |
368 | 26 | Patricia Attrill | 01:24:11 | 50-59 | 44 | Female | 152 |
385 | 322 | Jo Mengell | 01:26:29 | 30-39 | 39 | Female | 167 |
399 | 488 | Stuart Tizzard | 01:29:43 | 40-49 | 89 | Male | 219 |
419 | 402 | Kevin Roberts | 01:34:47 | 50-59 | 57 | Male | 223 |
433 | 401 | Graham Roberts | 01:42:33 | 50-59 | 58 | Male | 226 |
Egdon Heath Harriers Weymouth 10
Trophies for Sarah who was second lady and Mike who was first in category. Well done!
Pos | Gen pos | Time | Name | Cat |
19 | 18 | 01:10:15 | Mike Hirst | M60 |
37 | 2 | 01:14:47 | Sarah Chaloner | F50 |
The New Forest Stinger
A smaller number of Poole AC runners headed in the opposite direction to run in the 10 mile Stinger, which is part of the Poole AC multi-terrain championships.
Name | Pos | Time | Gen | Cat | Cat pos |
Graham Filmer | 25 | 01:25:59 | M | M50+ | 9 |
Jackie Godden | 29 | 01:29:22 | F | F50+ | 1 |
Mark Dawson | 33 | 01:29:58 | M | M40+ | 8 |
Nicola Sawyer | 41 | 01:40:39 | F | F40+ | 4 |
Steve Buller | 42 | 01:40:39 | M | M40+ | 9 |
Zoe Houlton | 43 | 01:40:39 | F | F50+ | 6 |
Jason Hepple | 48 | 01:46:54 | M | M50+ | 15 |
Vanya Ritchie | 49 | 01:48:02 | F | F50+ | 7 |
Eve Filmer | 55 | 01:54:15 | F | F50+ | 10 |
Jackie was first in her category. Great running!
In addition, Ann Deverill was the only Poole AC runner to tackle the 5 mile race which she completed in a time of 1:05:43 and was 7th in her category.
Julie Hitching headed even further east to run the Brighton 10, and finished in 2:15:10
Well done everyone!