Well done to all our athetes, up and down the country!
Marnhull 12k
This race features in the 2022 Dorset Road Race League.
Pos | Surname | Firstname | Gen | Time |
10 | Miller | Barry | M | 44:45 |
16 | Doubleday | Robert | M | 46:20 |
31 | Hogarth | Stephen | M | 48:49 |
48 | Hay | Kirstin | F | 53:31 |
84 | Filmer | Graham | M | 58:29 |
85 | Offer | Jayne | F | 58:29 |
111 | Godden | Jackie | F | 1:02:15 |
142 | Sawyer | Nicola | F | 1:07:05 |
194 | Hunt | Kim | F | 1:15:49 |
205 | Julyan | Clare | F | 1:17:18 |
215 | Deverill | Ann | F | 1:18:57 |
227 | Storey | Jim | M | 1:22:07 |
230 | Lowe | Gordon | M | 1:25:05 |
242 | Lowe | Jacqueline | F | 1:29:24 |
244 | Mills | Tricia | F | 1:31:14 |
247 | Storey | Diane | F | 1:35:09 |
248 | Smart | Amanda | F | 1:35:10 |
249 | Mills | Andy | M | 1:37:57 |
Bournemouth Bay Runs
The Bay Runs consisted of a Half Marathon, 10k and 5k. Unfortunately the results do not show any club names, so we are unable to publish a complete list of our runners.
The results can be found here:
- https://www.chiptiming.co.uk/events/axa-health-bournemouth-bay-run-half-2022/
- https://www.chiptiming.co.uk/events/axa-health-bournemouth-bay-run-10k/
- https://www.chiptiming.co.uk/events/axa-health-bournemouth-bay-run-5k/
Manchester Marathon
Great running!!
- 30th, Tom Austin, in a time of 2:24:49
- 6929th, Kev Roberts, in a time of 3:59:31
- 9637th, Carrie Clarke, in a time of 4:28:15
Testway Ultra 40
Stacey Connolly completed the 40 mile ultra marathon in 17th place (5th female), in a fantastic time of 8:41:41.
London Landmarks Half Marathon
Unfortunately the results do not show any club names, so we are unable to publish a list of our runners.
City of Portsmouth Open Track & Field Meeting
- u20W 100m – Leah Watts, 2nd in 13:51
- u17W 3000m – Erin Wells, 1st woman in a mixed race in 10:18.78
Winchester (WADAC) Season Opener – Wheelchair Events
In the 100m race SX14:
- Nathan Blackie (SM) 18.22
- George Fripp (U17M) 23:14
- Alex Bradshaw (U17M) 38:55