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South West XC Championships

January 4

Cross Country poole ac

Venue: RNAS Merryfield

There will be a series of off-road running races for athletes of all ages from Under 13 upwards, from across the SW Region.  It will be held on a closed airfield and will use the fields and woodland areas to the South of the airfield. The first race will be at 1100. Tarmac areas will be designated for car parking and domestic use but will not be used for the races.

1100 U13 Girls 2750m
1123 U13 Boys 2750m
1146 U15 Girls 3400m
1209 U15 Boys 3400m
1237 U17 Women 4750m
1311 U17 Men 4750m
1335 Senior Women 6950m (Including Under 20 Women and Masters – W35, W45, W55 )
1428 Senior Men 6950m (Including Under 20 Men and Masters – M40, M50, M60)

Pre-entry is essential.


January 4
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