PAC NEWS (2017) No.31 08/08/17
Did you watch Sir Mo and Mr. Usain?!!
We hope you have had time – during the start of the school holidays – to watch some of the action on-line or on TV from London. The amazing tactical M10k chess race on Friday night had a great conclusion. Whether or not you know enough to judge Justin Gatlin and his drug history, a personal opinion is that the beneficial effect of performance-enhancing drugs can continue long after the serving of any ban, except a LIFE BAN! Usain retires gracefully!
You will have seen the great efforts of the GB competitors since Saturday and wept with KJ-T when she failed at 1.86m. in her crucial Heptathlon HJ. Also with Sophie H in the Hammer – but you cannot expect to break the British Record or set a PB in every competition.
Stunning results from Poole Junior Parkrun!
In the latest Junior Parkrun at Poole Park, Poole AC members achieved some startling performances. This regular 2km run every Sunday morning at 9.00 am has always been well-supported by the Club and many aged 4-14 have maintained their training by including this free event. In Run #78 on Sunday (Aug. 6th) , William R (6-15) and Liam O (6-20) smashed the JM11-14 record (i.e. fastest time for Junior Men aged 11-14). These were also new PBs.
They were followed by 5th Edwin L (JM10 in =PB of 7-42), 9th Ryan O (JM11-14 in PB of 8-02), 10th Thomas L (JM10 in PB of 8-02) and 11th Issy R (JW11-14 close to her PB in 8-08). Others from the Club were Abigail P (JW11-14), Adam A-W (JM10 with new PB), and Daisy P (JW10). 158 finished.
To take part you only need to get a Parkrun bar-code on-line and turn up and take part. It also gets the parents out of bed!
Jack Roach (son of HJ coach Mark) gains England vest
Former PAC Member Jack set a new legal LJ PB of 7.58m at the Bournemouth Invitational on Sunday. He is due to compete for England Juniors in Manchester on August 16th. A reward for hard work and good time-management while studying at Northumbria University!