Adam Booth completes his first Decathlon!
Adam has trained assiduously in all the necessary disciplines, including Pole Vault (PV). This work reached fruition in Manchester at the weekend where he took part in his first-ever Decathlon at the English u17M Combined Events. He achieved SIX event PBs, plus a PB total, including an Octathlon PB en route!
It would have been even better but for success in the PV causing limited time to prepare for the Javelin! Because it covered the regions, Adam also achieved a silver medal for Midland CAA (which includes the South-West)!
Day One (04/08/18)
- 100 (R4) 3/5 11.97 (w -1.4)
- LJ 11/20 5.81m. PB
- Shot 13/20 9.95m.
- HJ (B) 3/7 1.59m. PB
- 400 (R2) 3/6 54.05 PB
Day Two (05/08/18)
- 100H (R4) 2/5 13.50 PB
- Discus 4/19 32.91m PB
- PV (B) 1/10 3.07m PB
- Javelin 13/19 32.52m Poor prep!
- 1500 11/18 5-16.53 Hot day!
Octathlon total = 4307 points. (PB)
Decathlon total = 5338 points. (PB) Midlands silver medal.
Poole AC Club Records up-date
You will be aware that all the Club Track and Field Records are displayed in a cabinet in the Lounge/Social area of the TDAN HQ. These are up-dated on July 31 and again on December 31 each year. Any improvements noted prior to those dates are included in the printed, displayed version. In the meantime, a table of records is available on the Club web-site here>> these are updated directly after achievement.
Final Team Dorset Match for 2018
The fifth and final Southern AL Match, at Par on August 18, will conclude the competition season for Team Dorset. They currently rank 3rd of the 16 teams in Div. 3 S-W. With four league points for each match winner, winning the division is still possible! But it is so close that even finishing in the top three will be a great achievement!