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PAC News 40, 15th October 2019

By 16/10/2019August 11th, 2024Junior
Junior athletes at Poole AC

Will, Isobel and Tom on new Cross Challenge!

William Rabjohns, his sister Isobel, and Tom Austin all started on their 2019-20 British Cross (-Country) Challenge racing in Match 1 on the Llandaff  Fields near the centre of Cardiff  on Saturday October 12th.  Will, (the u13B Challenge champion for the past two seasons), is now a first-year  u15B and so did well, on the 3200m course, to finish 10th in 10-42, (winner 9-59). Isobel ran in the u17W race and finished 36th (of 43) , with 18-49 for the 4450m course. Senior Man Tom managed 19th (of 65), running his 9600m course in 31-46, while maintaining a similar pace to that of Will.

Match 2 of the Challenge will be raced at Milton Keynes on November 9th.

Lexie, Emily and Mark R feature in Hants 1!

The first of the Hampshire Cross-Country League matches was staged nearby at King’s Park in steady rain and on a soaked course on Saturday.  A total of 20 Juniors and 10 Seniors competed for Poole AC.  In the Juniors, the first three of a team produced their total.  (First five finishers for the Seniors.)

Lexie Brown (u13G winner), Emily Parker (4th in u17W), and Mark Ruby (4th in u15B) produced our best individual results but all were heroes in that weather!

The results can be found here>>>

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