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PAC News 45, 19th November 2019

By 20/11/2019August 11th, 2024Junior
Junior athletes at Poole AC

UK YDL draft information for 2020 season!

We have received the draft structure of the Upper Age-Group (u17s and u20s) Southern Area of the UK Youth Development League (UKYDL) for the 2020 season.  We, as part of Team Dorset (composite team with Dorchester, Poole Runners and Wimborne), will be in Southern Division 2B. The other five clubs in our division are:-  Chichester, Guildford & Godalming, Holland Sports & Reigate Priory, Kingston & Poly, and Southampton.  So far, only two of the four matches have confirmed hosts and venues, i.e. Match 2 on May 24 at Southampton and Match 3 (June 21st.) at Guildford.  This leaves the matches on April 19 and July 26 to be arranged.  Hosts are being sought.

Also to hand is the structure for the Southern Area Lower Age-Group (u13s and u15s).  Here Team Dorset (with just Dorchester and Wimborne) will be in Southern Premier 2. We share this division with:-  Basildon, Brighton & Hove, Croydon, Herne Hill, Southampton, and Team Bedfordshire. The matches so far confirmed will be Match 1 (May 16th) at Brighton; Match 3 (July 18th) at King’s Park – but our home match; and Match 4 (August 8th) at Bedford.  So Match 2 (June 6th) has yet to be arranged.  We are currently booked in to King’s Park because they have already achieved the new “TrackMark” status; whereas the new Council have the Ashdown application “in hand”!

It would be wise for all athletes who will be in those four age-groups next year to put the relevant dates in their diaries now. Our outdoor season will start with the Bournemouth AC Spring Open on March 29th (tbc).

Have you considered parkrun? If not, read on!

This free (apart from the petrol and possible parking) event is staged weekly at 9.00 am in many parks and open spaces world-wide.  If you register on-line with you will be sent a unique bar-code.  At any parkrun you visit, present your bar-code for scanning at the finish and you will be given an official time in the results.  For those aged 4 – 14, the distance is 2 Km (equivalent to 5 laps of Ashdown) and the nearest is based on Upton Country Park (far end of car park).  The “Senior” run (5 Km = 3.1 miles) is staged at King’s Park and Poole Park and Upton Country Park, and others.  ALSO CHECK WHEN YOU GO ON HOLIDAY!

There is a link to Poole AC runners results and local parkrun events here>>>


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