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PAC News 47, 27th November 2018

By 28/11/2018August 11th, 2024Junior

PAC Results from British Cross Challenge III

Round 3 of the British (Athletics) Cross Challenge was staged at Sefton Park, Liverpool, on November 24th.  Five PAC athletes faced their challenge. When you see the size of the races and remember it is a BRITISH event, it will help you to appreciate the quality of their performances. Well done, guys!

For Melissa, already a Commonwealth Games bronze-medallist this year, her 4th place in the SW event – which doubled as a Trial for the GB team to the SPAR 25th European Cross-Country Championships due to be held in Tilburg, Netherlands, on December 9th –  resulted in her selection for that team.

For William Rabjohns, who won the u13B race in Match 1 and finished 3rd in Match 2,  he is a challenger to be the u13B Champion again, as he was in 2017-18.

SW8.1Melissa Courtney431226-18
SM9.8Tom Austin4862329-59
U15G3Ashia Wilson2713211-28
Isobel Rabjohns6312-06
U13B3William Rabjohns21269-56

Thanks for their management skills and support to Mark Pauley and the parents.


Dorset County Sportshall

Results are not yet available. As a taster I can state that we had at least six victories (champions!) and five other podium positions on Track.


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