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PAC News 50, 24th December 2019

By 26/12/2019August 11th, 2024Junior

Eighteen made their brave challenge in Sportshall 3!

A total of eighteen young athletes competed well for the Club at Canford in the Dorset Sportshall League Match 3 on Saturday (December 21).  By contrast, BAC had 25 athletes and WAC had 40. If we are going to have competitive teams in Sportshall, we need twice as many u11s and u13s coming on Saturday evenings in winter. We used to field ‘A’ and ‘B’ teams! Those who came gave best efforts. Thanks to Alison and all parents and officials.

To clarify again, in any individual event, each club can have two scoring athletes, ‘A’ and ‘B’.  Others can participate as non-scorers, to set a performance.  The best athletes for each club are ranked on their performance from A1 downwards, with A1 = 24 points, A2 = 23, and so on. Equal performances result in split points. The second best for each club are ranked from B1 downwards, with B1= 12 points, etc. So the best a team can score, e.g. in u11B Speed Bounce = 24 + 12 = 36. Relays are scored 36, 34, 32, etc.

U11B1 lapHarry Williamseq A2 22.512.1
U11B2 lapElouan Biwoleeq B1 11.512.3
U11B3 lapLeon M’Lenga12.6
U11B2 lapOliver HarrisonA5 2025.8
U11B3 lapDaniel BucklandB5 827.0
U11B2+2RElouan + Olliver3rd. 32
U11BObsRDan/El/Leon/Har3rd. 32
U11B4x1RDan/Leon/Oll/Haeq 1st. 34
U11BSpBLeon MA4 2144
U11BBal BDaniel BA2 2349secs
U11BVerJElouan Beq A3 21.541cm
U11BSLJHarry WA2 231.88m
U11BSLJLeon MB1 121.65m
U11BSTJOliver HA5 205.02m
U11BSTJDaniel BB3 104.92m
U11BTargTHarry WA2 2314 in
U11BTargTDaniel BB3 104 in
U11BChPElouan BA2 237.16m
U13B2 lapMonty SpenceA3 2228.0
U13B4 lapJosh BakerA3 2252.8
U13B8paaMonty + Josh3rd. 22
U13BSpBJosh BA2 2372
U13BSTJMonty SA4 214.38m
U13BVerJJosh BA2 2343 cm
U13BShotMonty SA4 214.82m
U15B2 lapsJonty SpenceA126.9
U15B4 lapsJonty SA260.0
U15BVert JJonty SA140 cm
U15BShotJonty SA25.64m
U11G1 lapNatasha PestonjiA1 2412.3
U11G2 lapMahlia-Pia JB3 1013.2
U11G3 lapErin Langdale14.3
U11G2 lapGrace UpshallA5 2026.6
U11G2+2RNatasha + Bea1st. 36
U11GObsRBea/Erin/Gr/MP1st. 36
U11G4x1RBea/Erin/MP/Nat2nd. 34
U11GSpBBeatrice HamblinA1 2451
U11GBal BNatasha PA6 1936secs
U11GVerJMahlia-Pia JA6 1938 cm
U11GVerJGrace Ueq B2 10.535 cm
U11GSLJBeatrice HA1 241.84m
U11GSLJNatasha PB1 121.76m
U11GSTJErin LA6 193.92m
U11GChPNatasha PA1 246.24m
U11GChPGrace UB1 124.94m
U13G2 lapMorgan S-WatsonA6 1927.8
U13GAlexia HornB5 829.4
U13G4 lapJaya CollinsonA1 2449.3
U13GMorgan S-WB3 1063.6
U13G6 lapGeorgina LangdaleA2 2386.7
U13G8paaFaye/Jaya1st. 36
U13GObsRAlex/Fay/Geo/Mo3rd. 32
U13G4x2RAlex/Fay/Geo/Jay2nd. 34
U13GSpBFaye Balleq A1 23.579
U13GJaya CollinsonB1 1279
U13GSLJJaya CollinsonA1 242.13m
U13GAlexia HB4 91.48m
U13GSTJFaye BA4 215.90m
U13GMorgan S-WB4 94.76m
U13GVertJGeorgina LA6 1936 cm
U13GShotMorgan S-WA6 194.31m
U13GGeorgina LB2 113.95m

Our four teams all ranked third on the day. In 16 events we had no ‘B’ athlete!

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