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Results: 1st October 2017

By 01/10/2017August 12th, 2024Senior
Poole AC ladies XC team

Wessex League Cross Country

Today was the start of the Wessex League and Poole AC hosted the first event in Canford Heath.  It was a great turn out in some pretty miserable conditions. Well done everyone! See all the results here

Salisbury Half Marathon

A little up the road, three Poole AC club members made their way to the Salisbury half marathon. Great job #TeamPoole


Clarendon Marathon

Salisbury was a draw this weekend as Kirstin and Becky decided a marathon from Salisbury to Winchester was a great idea. Great job girls!

NameBibChip TimeChip PaceGun TimeGun Pace
Kirstin Hay330504:55:1011:16 min/mi04:55:3311:17 min/mi
Becky McGregor1020 06:42:3015:22 min/mi06:42:4215:23 min/mi

Bustinskin Osprey Triathalon

A great job by Dawn Dibden as she made an epic come back from injury today at the Bustinskin Osprey Triathalon securing 2nd female.

Glencoe Marathon

Louise Hendes continued her marathon streak with a visit to Scotland this weekend.

PosRace NoNameTimeCatCat PosGengerGen Pos
219133Louise Hendes05:35:58Senior21Female40

Hoburne 5

Last but not least congratulations to Simon Wildbur who completed the Hoburne 5 in 34.01 and Bret Stevens who completed it in 34:39.

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