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Results: 21st – 22nd May 2022

By 22/05/2022August 7th, 2024Junior, Senior
Dom Willmore May 5 2022 winner

May 5

What terrific results in the May 5, one of our Poole AC flagship events, which is part of the Dorset Road Race League. Dom Willmore won the race by a significant margin and Emily Hilliar was first lady – fantastic running! Thanks to our superb volunteers who gave up their time to help.

These results show Poole AC runners only, the complete set of results can be found here>>>

PosBibNameGenGen PosAgeGpAG PosChip TimeGun Time
1839Dom WillmoreM1Male Senior126:12:0026:13:00
14810Luke TerryM14Male Senior828:43:0028:44:00
21706Barry MillerM21Male 40929:35:0029:37:00
22601James EdenM22Male 401029:36:0029:37:00
27838Benjy WilliamsM27Male Under 20229:47:0029:49:00
29590Robert DoubledayM28Male Senior1329:49:0029:51:00
39522Alan BarnettM39Male 50430:38:0030:41:00
43646Emily HilliarF1Female Senior130:48:0030:49:00
48587Curtis DohertyM45Male Senior2031:03:0031:09:00
56652Stephen HogarthM52Male 60131:54:0031:57:00
81811Gemma TerryF7Female 35333:41:0033:43:00
114851Kev RobertsM96Male 501936:10:0036:20:00
133713Sunita MuirF29Female 351138:06:0038:16:00
136724Jayne OfferF30Female 55538:24:0038:34:00
160631Helen GuerrierF39Female 351440:17:0040:20:00
168560Carrie ClarkF44Female 451040:57:0041:07:00
255780Steve ScottM154Male 503901:01:4601:02:07

UKYDL LAG Match 2 at Southampton

75 BJemima Chetwood3/711.7
150 BJemima Chetwood3/722.2
800 BAmelia Drew4/42-56.6
1200 AJemima Chetwood4/64-20.2
4x100Jemima + 33/658.5
100 APolly Evans7/714.7
200 ALexi Lewin5/728.2
200 BMorgan S-Watson6/634.7
300 ALexi Lewin3/644.6
300 BEleena Dhir5/548.9
800 APolly Evans3/62-29.8
1500 BIsla McPhail3/75-27.6
75H ABeatrice Hamblin2/413.0
4 x 100Polly, Lexi, Bea +14/655.6
4 x 300Eleena, Isla, Lexi +15/63-21.0
HJ ABeatrice Hamblin2/61.40m
HJ BAmelia Stewart2/41.35m
LJ ABeatrice Hamblin2/74.67m
Shot BMorgan S-Watson3/46.34m
DiscusBMorgan S-Watson2/310.00
HJ AMarcel Roku-Ali1/41.42m
4 x 100Marcel + 32/655.0
100 AElouan Biwole3/513.1
100 BSeb Watson3/413.5
1500 AOliver Harrison4/64-58.3
80H AZachary Richings2/216.4
4 x 100Elouan, Seb, Zac + 13/458.0
4 x 300Oliver + 32/32-59.3
HJ AHarry Robson1/61.63m
HJ BZac Richings1/31.50m
LJ AHarry Robson1/65.48m
LJ BZac Richings1/54.87m
Shot ASeb Watson3/67.70m
Disc ASeb Watson3/622.12m
Jav AEthan Crowley2/422.77m
Jav BElouan Biwole-No mark

Our Poole AC athletes contributed to Team Dorset gaining first place.

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