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Results: 23rd – 24th October 2021

By 24/10/2021August 7th, 2024Senior
Poole AC senior general image

Some terrific results from our members:

Hellstone 10k

7360Simon Blissm59:06:00
23359Julie Blissf01:15:25
42393Nuala Irvenf01:32:06
43395Alison Kirbyf01:32:26
44378Tammy Frias-Roblesf01:34:48

Sika 10k

7001:03:37Gary Tyler
9401:10:01Trisha Mills
10201:11:28Andrew Mills

Kingston-upon-Thames Half Marathon

Kev Roberts was 479th, and smashed his previous PB with a time of 1:53:54

South Downs Half Marathon

Mike Hirst was 53rd, and completed the undulating trail half marathon in 1:50:52

Langdale Half Marathon

Jo Walder Brown was 38th (second female), and also smashed her previous PB in a time of 1:44:35

Liverpool Rock’n’Roll Marathon

Carrie Clark was a pacer at this popular event, finishing in 4:44:35


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