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Results: 26th – 29th May 2018 (updated)

By 30/05/2018August 12th, 2024ParaAthletics, Senior

Despite the warm and humid weather, we had some impressive results.

Egdon Easy 10k

Poole AC (Brian Underwood, David Broadley and Reuben Skinner) were the top male team at the evening 10k race in Weymouth. Brian and David also received prizes for finishing 2nd and 3rd.  Jayne Offer won a prize for being first in category. Well done all!

PosGen PosBibTimeNameCat
2227034.28Brian Underwoodm40
332936.15David Broadleym
131324140.10Reuben Skinnerm40
181828141.29Simon Wildburm40
1102020053.45Jayne Offerf50
1199412954.41Ian Hitchingm50
1271003554.58Steve Bullerm50
1303027855.10Lynne Welchf50
1383513555.38Zoe Houltonf50
13910418955.46Lewis Moorem
16411525757.40James Storeym60
17011830657.58Jim Gallagherm70
17211916458.06Gordon Lowem60
1991294560.16Roy Carrm60
2017128960.30Karen Gregoryf40
24410216565.33Jacqueline Lowef60
24510318365.36Catherine Midgleyf40
2461049265.37Grace Galtonf40
27512525670.42Diane Storeyf60


Dorchester Marathon

We had two female runners in the Dorchester Marathon, and Hayley Merifield was 1st female! Congratulations!

PositionRace NoFirstnameLastnameCategoryCat PosTimeChip Time
22367HayleyMerifieldFemale Open13:24:273:24:12
431732KatSmartFemale Open435:24:345:24:03


Casterbridge Half Marathon 2018

PosRace NoFirstnameLastnameCatCat postimeChip time
1571743BenPilleyMale Open621:54:561:54:46
6212032JanetWhittakerFemale 50+502:32:222:31:09
8741891HollyStaintonFemale Open1732:59:112:57:58
8761892SusanStaintonFemale 50+882:59:152:57:59
9161246AnnDeverillFemale 50+973:06:003:04:47
9211382SueGriesserFemale 50+983:06:453:05:33
10022181GaryTylerMale 40+1464:33:314:31:11

Vitality London 10,000

Chris Nash came 7th in the wheelchair category in the Vitality London 10,000 on Bank Holiday Monday in a time of 29:17, going sub 30 minutes once again!

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