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Senior Awards 2021

By 19/12/2021August 7th, 2024Senior
Poole AC senior general image

Congratulations to the following senior club members who won awards in 2021:

Ladies Club ChampionSunita Muir
Ladies 2ndKirstin Hay
Ladies 3rdKathryn Robson
Ladies Vet ChampionKirstin Hay
Mens Club ChampionDuncan Cooper
Mens 2ndMarc Ujarvi
Mens 3rdSteve Hogarth
Mens Vet ChampionSteve Hogarth
Chairmans award for recognition of club contributionMike Cure
Jason Robbins achievement trophyBrian Underwood
Most Improved runnerKevin Roberts

Due to Covid restrictions, only one club championship series was held this year.


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