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PAC News 5, 5th February 2019

By 06/02/2019August 11th, 2024Junior
Junior athletes at Poole AC

U11 Girls so close at Canford in Sportshall 4

Our U11 girls’ team finished a very narrow 2nd in the final Wessex Sportshall match at Canford on Jan 27th.  Final scores of the top three (out of 8) teams were: WAC 393.5; PAC 392; BAC 380.5! It just shows in team Athletics that one place (or outdoors even one OFFICIAL!) can be the difference! Thanks to Alison (Team Manager), many athletes shone in a variety of events. Just to clarify, each team could score with their ‘A’ athlete (against the other ‘A’ athletes), and with their ‘B’ against the others’ ‘B’s. All others were non-scorers but competing to get personal performances. Thanks to all the U11s, U13s, and U15G – and of course to their parents for the time and transport!

Boys’ results

U11B1 lapAlfie CurtisA312.3
U11B1 lapHarry WilliamsB112.4
U11B1 lapElouan Biwolen/s12.6
U11B1 lapTimothy Watsonn/s13.9
U11B1 lapMonty Spencen/s13.8
U11B1 lapAndrew Watsonn/s14.7
U11B2 lapOliver NyathiA427.2
U11B2 lapDaniel BucklandB328
U11B2 lapAndrew Watsonn/s32.6
U11B2+2 RelTeam351.2
U11BSLJumpHarley TaylorA12.02m
U11BSLJumpJosh BakerB31.60m
U11BSLJumpElouan Biwolen/s1.64m
U11BSLJumpHarry Williamsn/s1.70m
U11BSTJumpOliver NyathiA35.04m
U11BSTJumpDaniel BucklandB24.52m
U11BSTJumpAndrew Watsonn/s3.96m
U11BSTJumpTimothy Watsonn/s4.52m
U11BSpBounJosh BakerA344 bounce
U11BSpBounDaniel Bucklandn/s42 bounce
U11BSpBounAndrew Watsonn/s34 bounce
U11BVertJumHarley TA344 cm.
U11BVertJumMonty SB233 cm.
U11BTargThrTimothy WA27 bags
U11BTargThrAlfie CB16 bags
U11BBalBeamHarry WA342 secs.
U11BBalBeamElouan BB230 secs.
U11BChPushMonty SA34.82m
U11BSoftJavMonty Sn/s14.40m
U11BSoftJavOliver Nn/s13.80m

Girls’ results

U11G1 lapBeatrice HamblinA513
U11G1 lapFaye BallB513.3
U11G1 lapMorgan S-Watsonn/s13.9
U11G1 lapNatasha Pestonjin/s12.6
U11G1 lapLola Daviesn/s13.3
U11G1 lapSeni Purnelln/s13.1
U11G1 lapLily Steelen/s13.5
U11G1 lapGeorgina Langdalen/s14.2
U11G1 lapAlexia Hornn/s14.4
U11G1 lapGracey Hancen/s14.4
U11G1 lapLexie Taylorn/s13.7
U11G1 lapErin Langdalen/s14.9
U11G2 lapSeni PA125.1
U11G2 lapBeatrice HB325.8
U11G2 lapFreya Woollardn/s25.9
U11G2 lapLola Dn/s26.8
U11G2 lapMorgan S-Wn/s27.5
U11G2 lapGracey Hn/s28.7
U11G2 lapAlexia Hn/s29.1
U11G2 lapLily Steelen/s27.6
U11G2 lapErin Ln/s29.6
U11G2+2 RelTeam1=51.1
U11G4x1 RelTeam150.2
U11GStLJumpBeatrice HA41.58m
U11GStLJumpLexie TaylorB31.52m
U11GStLJumpLola Dn/s1.70m
U11GStLJumpNatasha Pn/s1.66m
U11GStLJumpGracey Hn/s1.28m
U11GStTrJumFaye BA35.02m
U11GStTrJumMorgan S-WB14.78m
U11GStTrJumLily Sn/s4.48m
U11GStTrJumSeni Pn/s4.98m
U11GStTrJumAlexia Hn/s4.28m
U11GVertJLexie TaylorA540 cm.
U11GVertJLily SteeleB435 cm.
U11GBal BeGracey HanceA160 secs
U11GBal BeErin LangdaleB248 secs
U11GBal BeFaye Balln/s51 secs
U11GBal BeSeni Purnelln/s9 secs
U11GSpBoMorgan S-WA250 bounce
U11GSpBoNatasha PB248 bounce
U11GSpBoFreya Wn/s49 bounce
U11GSpBoLola Daviesn/s48 bounce
U11GSpBoBeatrice Hn/s46 bounce
U11GTarThAlkexia HornA113 bags
U11GTarThGeorgina LB34 bags
U11GChPusFreya WA35.70m
U11GChPusGeorgina LB33.90m
U11GChPusErin Ln/s2.87m
U11GSoft JavFaye Bn/s9.90m
U11GSoft JavLily Sn/s7.10m
U13G2 lapJaya CollinsonA123.6
U13G2 lapEliz RichleyB2=24.6
U13G4 lapJaya CA252
U13G4 lapElizabeth RB355.9
U13GSpeedBJaya CA279 bounce
U13GSpeedBElizabeth RB364 bounce
U13GSLJumpJaya CA12.20m
U13GVert JElizabeth RA537 cm
U13GShotEleanor MowbrayA19.37m.
U13G2 lapCallum McGinleyA323.7
U13G2 lapAlex HarrisB324.2
U13G2 lapJonty Spencen/s29.7
U13GSLJAlex HA12.10m
U13GSTJJonty SA34.34m
U13GVert JCallum McGA241 cm
U13GVert JJonty SB238 cm
U13GShotAlex HA25.63m
U13GShotJonty SB25.07m
U13GShotCallum McGn/s5.41m
U15G2 lapSafia StaceyA324
U15G4 lapSafia SA253.1
U15GSpBoSafia SA272bounce
U15GSTJNiamh KirwinA16.74m
U15GSTJSafia SB16.50m
U15GShotNiamh KA18.66m

To summarise the other Team results, the U11B were 3rd of the 8 teams, the three U13B finished 3rd/6, the three U13G were 5th/8, and the two U15G were narrowly second to BAC (128 to 129!). Some great efforts from few athletes!

Selections for Torbay: we have very few at the moment. These will be published and credited when all are available. Obviously the response of athletes/parents to invitations depends on availability and fitness.



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